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Emma and the E Club: An Epic Episode About Eliminating Enuresis & Encopresis

Emma and the E Club is the world’s first, only, and funniest middle-grade novel for kids who struggle with enuresis (bedwetting or daytime pee accidents) or encopresis (poop accidents). Tackling a challenging topic with compassion, humor, and medical accuracy, authors Suzanne Schlosberg and Steve Hodges, M.D., provide comfort and hope for kids dealing with conditions that are:


1.) misunderstood, 2.) never a child’s fault and 3.) entirely treatable. As one 9-year-old reader put it, “The book made me feel so much better about my situation.”

Emma Easly is an extrovert and a word enthusiast — she’s collected 1,038 E words, to be exact. Emma also happens to have enuresis and encopresis. For years, Emma’s accidents were an enigma—a.k.a. a mystery. But one epic day, the eccentric Dr. Pooper enlightens her. Suddenly, everything makes sense: her bedwetting, her stomachaches, her entire life. When Emma discovers Charlotte has enuresis, too, together they establish the E Club. They even entice Lucas to join, no easy endeavor. The club’s mission is to eradicate— a.k.a. wipe out—enuresis and encopresis, so no kid ever has to wear pull-ups to a sleepover. But how? Emma has a plan.

Schlosberg, a health and parenting writer, and Hodges, a pediatric urologist at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, are co-authors of several books about enuresis and encopresis, including Bedwetting and Accidents Aren’t Your Fault, Jane and the Giant Poop, M.O.P. for Teens and Tweens, and The M.O.P. Book: Anthology Edition — A Guide to the Only Proven Way to STOP Bedwetting and Accidents. Emma and the E Club is aimed at ages 8 to 12, though parents of mature 6- and 7-year-olds report their children enjoyed having the book read to them.

Emma and the E Club: An Epic Episode About Eliminating Enuresis & Encopresis

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