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Join Dr. Hodges Monthly Live!
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Pediatric urologist Steve Hodges, M.D.

Steve Hodges, M.D.

Professor of Pediatric Urology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Dr. Hodges hosts a monthly Zoom only for our private members! You can listen in real time or watch later at your convenience. Dates and times are posted on the private pages.

Do you feel you’ve “tried everything” to stop your child’s accidents?
Have you exhausted your doctor’s advice? 
Do you feel isolated or frustrated by a lack of progress?

This group is a wealth of insight, kindness, and connection. I wish I’d joined months ago.

“Thank you so much for all your support. I don’t know where I’d be without the Facebook group.”


Dr. Hodges’ private, international support groups, based on your child’s age, offer personalized guidance you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

In 20 years as a pediatric urologist and researcher, Dr. Hodges has pioneered treatments more aggressive and successful than the “Miralax merry-go-round” and medication approaches that so often fail.


Dr. Hodges created his first private Facebook support group in 2016, to help parents around the world implement the treatments that have been successful with his own patients at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.


Dr. Hodges understands the toll that enuresis, encopresis, and chronic constipation take on families!

He will help you put this life-interrupting problem behind you for good!

$69 Per Month

We have groups for 3 age ranges!
Yes, you can join multiple groups for one price! Your spouse can join on the same membership.

Thanks to our membership, M.O.P. has been a journey that we have been able to achieve from the other side of the world


1. Fill out our very short Membership Form. Indicate which group(s) want to join : Pre-M.O.P., main M.O.P., or Teen/Tweens. 

2. You will then be directed to the payment page.

3. Once you've paid, wait for Suzanne to email you with instructions to receive access to your group(s). You should hear back within 24 hours. If you don't, contact us.


1. When you are ready to leave the group, just go into PayPal and cancel your membership. You don't need to contact us.

2. Please note this is a reoccurring payment on a monthly cycle, and PayPal requires 30 days' notice for cancellation. In other words, you won't stop being billed on the same day you cancel.



Unlimited access to Dr. Hodges.

Monthly live Zoom events with Dr. Hodges.

Individualized guidance on implementing the Modified O’Regan Protocol (M.O.P.) for your child or children.

X-ray reviews, to evaluate your child’s progress.

Total privacy. Our groups are hidden and not visible to or searchable by the public.

Access to a hidden page with tracking calendars and a video from Dr. Hodges to your child.

Empathy, encouragement, and advice from parents experienced with M.O.P./Pre-M.O.P.

Eligibility, after 1 month, to join a free parent-run M.O.P. group

FB Groups
Private Pre-M.O.P.
Support Group

This group is for you if:

  • Your baby or toddler strains to poop and/or does not poop every day.

  • Your potty-training child has been struggling to poop on the toilet.

  • You're seeking advice from Dr. Hodges and other parents as you implement Pre-M.O.P.

  • You're frustrated that nothing — prune juice, fiber, laxatives — has resolved your child's constipation.

Due to the nature of subscription authorization, the Facebook Support Group membership is sold separately from our shopping-cart items. Your credit card will say O'Regan Press, not

Private M.O.P.
Support Group

This group is for you if:

  • Your toilet-trained child has daytime pee accidents, bedwetting, and/or poop accidents.

  • You are considering M.O.P. or are in the M.O.P. process and would like support.

  • You'd like Dr. Hodges to review an x-ray.

  • You physician is not experienced with M.O.P. or is not in favor of the protocol.

  • You're frustrated and could use a boost from parents who've been there!

Due to the nature of subscription authorization, the Facebook Support Group membership is sold separately from our shopping-cart items. Your credit card will say O'Regan Press, not

Private Parents of Teens and Tweens Support Group

This group is for you if:

  • Your child is 10+ and dealing with enuresis or encopresis.

  • You'd like guidance, advice, and support pertaining to teens and older tweens.

  • You've been told for years your child will "outgrow" bedwetting and no longer believe it.


  • You've tried "everything" (alarms, medication, Miralax, restricting liquids) and are ready to try M.O.P.

  • You'd like Dr. Hodges to review an x-ray of your teen/tween.​

Due to the nature of subscription authorization, the Facebook Support Group membership is sold separately from our shopping-cart items. Your credit card will say O'Regan Press, not

Free Support Group
Support Group Run by Parents!


After belonging to Dr. Hodges' support group for one month, you may join the free group, run by volunteer moms experienced with M.O.P. The group is for parents who no longer need Dr. Hodges' advice but still want support from others in the same boat.

Digital World Map
Our Groups are


We have members from Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, the Philippines, the UK, and many other countries where X-rays, M.O.P.-related products, and medical support for aggressive enuresis and encopresis treatment can be difficult to come by. Our group will help you navigate this terrain!

FB Groups FAQs
  • How often does Dr. Hodges respond to questions on the page?
    Usually (but not always!) within 48 hours. Dr. Hodges is a full-time surgeon and clinician. He makes time between surgeries and clinic appointments to respond to our private Facebook members. He answers as often as he can! Please note that he answers via his phone, so the more concise the question, the easier it is for him to answer.
  • Can I preview the page before I join?
    Nope! The page is not only private; it is also “hidden” from view, so only members can see that the page exists. (Scroll down to see a sampling of recent questions posted.)
  • Can I join more than one group if I have kids in multiple age groups?
    Yes! Please email Suzanne to discuss your situation. Once you pay, she will give you access to the groups that suit your family.
  • Can my spouse be added at no additional cost?
  • What kinds of questions do parents post on the page?
    All kinds! Here’s a sampling of recent questions posted: Help! My daughter has had a setback. Do we have to start M.O.P. all over again? What size enema nozzle is good for a 7-year-old? After 30 days on M.O.P. my child is still wetting nightly; do we need an X-ray? Our pediatrician is 100% opposed to enemas, but nothing she has recommended works. Should we do M.O.P. without her blessing? My son hates Miralax and lactulose. What other laxatives work? Could my son become dependent on suppositories? My son is a severe bedwetter. With M.O.P.+ should be go straight to glycerin or castile soap or start with saline? Has anyone found it useful to work with a psychologist? Does SPD (sensory processing disorder) make accidents harder to treat? My child can’t hold the enema for more than 3 minutes. What can he do? When we did our first large-volume enema, the nozzle came out and sprayed us both with saline. How can we avoid this? Anyone have any experience with anorectal manometry? Dr. Hodges, would you send a letter to my daughter's school telling them to let her go potty as needed? Her teacher is uncooperative. Is it OK to try and potty train my three year old even though she withholds poop? She needs to be trained for preschool. At what point can I expect to see results with M.O.P.?
  • How do I unsubscribe from the automatic PayPal Payments?
    Click HERE to unsubscribe. It will take you to your PayPal Subscription Details page for the O'Regan Facebook Group. Make sure to login to the same PayPal account you subscribed with. On the Subscription Details page there is a "Cancel" link on the upper-left of the page.
  • If I leave the group, can I return later without paying the membership fee again?"
    Yes! First, go into your PayPal account and cancel your membership. (Do not "pause" your membership; you need to cancel.) Then, when you are ready to re-join, email and you will receive a special link that allows you to rejoin the group at the monthly rate, without paying the additional first-month fee.
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